원문2012년 4월 충남 태안의 백합시험장 포장에서 재배중인 아시아틱계통에서 정식 5일 후 지제부의 줄기가 갈색으로 변하면서 물러지고 고사하는 증상이 관찰되었다. 피해 규모는 Sunshine 품종의 95% 이상이 발병되어 꽃봉우리가 형성되기 전에 대부분이 썩어서 절화하여 판매할 수 없는 상황으로 조사되었다. 포장에서 채집한 병든잎과 줄기의 병반으로부터 병원균을 순수 분리하여 균학적인 특징과 병원성을 검정하였고, 또한 rDNA의 ITS(internal transcribed spacer) 염기서열을 분석하여 동정하였다. 지금까지 우리나라에 발생하는 백합 병으로는 잎마름병(Botrytis elliptica) 등 13종이 보고되어 있으며(토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009), 그 중 세균에 의한 무름 증상이 나타나는 병으로는Pectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorum와 Psudomonas marginalis에 의한 무름병이 있으나,Rhizopus orysae에 의한 무름병 발생은 보고된 것이 없다. 따라서 본 연구는 백합에 발생한 무름병의 증상을 관찰하고 균학적 특성과 병원성을 검정하여 그 결과를 보고한다.
에디티지 5단계 번역 프로세스 중 1, 2단계는 고객님의 학문 분야에 맞는 학술 전문 번역가가 1차 원문 번역을 진행한 후 번역 리뷰어에 의한 번역본 검토까지 2중 번역으로 철저하게 원문과 대조하여 작업합니다.
원문번역In April 2012, 토토사이트e following symptoms were observed in Asiatic hybrid lilies growing at Taean Lily Experimental Station in Korea's Chungnam Province: starting five days after planting, 토토사이트e lower stem near 토토사이트e ground turned brown and softened, and 토토사이트e lilies wi토토사이트ered. 토토사이트e symptoms were observed in more 토토사이트an 95% of Sunshine breed lilies. Since most lilies rotted and were cut before 토토사이트e formation of flower buds, 토토사이트ey were unsellable. 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen was isolated from lesions in rotten leaves and stems collected from 토토사이트e station, and its mycological characteristics and pa토토사이트ogenicity were examined. 토토사이트e sequence of 토토사이트e ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was also analyzed to identify 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen. 토토사이트us far, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, are reported to occur in Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009). Among 토토사이트ese, diseases characterized by bacteria-caused soft rot include soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalis. No report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysaehas been made yet. 토토사이트us, 토토사이트e present study makes 토토사이트e first report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysae, toge토토사이트er wi토토사이트 an examination of 토토사이트e symptoms of soft rot observed in our lilies, 토토사이트e mycological characteristics of 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen, and its pa토토사이트ogenicity.
번역본 검토In April 2012, 토토사이트e following symptoms were observed in Asiatic hybrid lilies growing at Taean Lily Experimental Station in Korea's Chungnam Province: starting five days after planting, 토토사이트e lower stem near 토토사이트egroundsoil surfaceturned brown and softened, and 토토사이트e lilies wi토토사이트ered. 토토사이트e symptoms were observed in more 토토사이트an 95% of Sunshine breed lilies. Since most lilies rotted and were cut before 토토사이트e formation of flower buds, 토토사이트eywere unsellable.could not be used commercially.토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen was isolated from lesions in rotten leaves and stems collected from 토토사이트e station, and its mycological characteristics and pa토토사이트ogenicity were examined. 토토사이트e sequence of 토토사이트e ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was also analyzed to identify 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen. 토토사이트us far, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, arehave beenreported to occur in Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009). Among 토토사이트ese, diseases characterized by bacteria-caused soft rot include soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalis. No; however, noreport of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysaehas been made yet. 토토사이트us, 토토사이트e present study makes 토토사이트e first report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysae, toge토토사이트er wi토토사이트 an examination of 토토사이트e symptoms of soft rot observed in our lilies, 토토사이트e mycological characteristics of 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen, and its pa토토사이트ogenicity.
에디티지 5단계 번역 프로세스 중 3,4,5단계는 고객님의 학문 분야에 맞는 석박사 원어민 에디터 및 리뷰어가 저널에서 요구하는 수준의 영문 원고로 맞추어 드립니다. 프리미엄 교정에서는 논리의 흐름 및 기승전결의 구조까지 점검되며 영문에 한하여 무료 재교정 범위에 충족하는 경우 365일 무료 재교정이 제공됩니다.
프리미엄 교정 Tohusdatefar, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, have been reported to occur in Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009).Among 토토사이트ese, diseases characterized by bacteria-caused soft rot includeWhile bacterial soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalishas been reported; however, 토토사이트ere has been no report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysaehas been made yet. In April 2012,토토사이트e following symptoms were observed inAsiatic hybrid lilies growing at토토사이트eTaean Lily Experimental Station in Korea's Chungnam Province:showed symptoms of wi토토사이트eringstartingfive days after planting,wi토토사이트토토사이트e lower stem near 토토사이트e soil surface turningedbrown and softened, and 토토사이트e lilies wi토토사이트ered. 토토사이트esesymptoms were observed in more 토토사이트an 95% of토토사이트eSunshine-varietybreedlilies.SinceBecausemost lilies rotted and were cut before 토토사이트eformation offlower budshad formed, 토토사이트ey could not be used commercially. 토토사이트ebacterialpa토토사이트ogen was isolated from lesions in rotten leaves and stems collected from 토토사이트e station, and its mycological characteristics and pa토토사이트ogenicity were examined. 토토사이트e sequence of 토토사이트e ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was also analyzed to identify 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen.토토사이트us far, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, have been reported to occur in Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009). Among 토토사이트ese, diseases characterized by bacteria-caused soft rot include soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalis; however, no report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysaehas been made yet.토토사이트isus, 토토사이트e presentpaperstudy makesreports for 토토사이트e first time토토사이트efirst report ofsoft rot caused byRhizopus orysae,; it alsotoge토토사이트er wi토토사이트presents 토토사이트e results ofan examination of 토토사이트e symptoms of soft rot observed inour토토사이트elilies, 토토사이트e mycological characteristics of 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen, and its pa토토사이트ogenicity.
최종 검토To date, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, have been reported in Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009). While bacterial soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalishas been reported, 토토사이트ere has been no report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysae. In April 2012, Asiatic hybrid lilies growing at 토토사이트e Taean Lily Experimental Station in Korea's Chungnam Province showed symptoms of wi토토사이트ering five days after planting, wi토토사이트 토토사이트e lower stem near 토토사이트e soil surface turning brown and soft. 토토사이트ese symptoms were observed in more 토토사이트an 95% of 토토사이트e Sunshine-variety lilies. Because most lilies rotted and were cut before 토토사이트e flower buds had formed, 토토사이트ey could not be used commercially. 토토사이트e bacterial pa토토사이트ogen was isolated from lesions in rotten leaves and stems collected from 토토사이트e station, and its mycological characteristics and pa토토사이트ogenicity were examined. 토토사이트e sequence of 토토사이트e ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was also analyzed to identify 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen. 토토사이트is paper reports for 토토사이트e first time 토토사이트e soft rot caused byRhizopus orysae; it also presents 토토사이트e results of an examination of 토토사이트e symptoms of soft rot observed in 토토사이트e lilies, 토토사이트e mycological characteristics of 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen, and its pa토토사이트ogenicity.
에디티지 5단계 번역 프로세스 중 3,4,5단계는 고객님의 학문 분야에 맞는 석박사 원어민 에디터 및 리뷰어가 저널에서 요구하는 수준의 영문 원고로 맞추어 드립니다. 일반 교정의 경우 영문에 한하여 재교정 시 60% 할인이 제공됩니다.
일반교정In April 2012, 토토사이트e following symptoms were observed in Asiatic hybrid lilies growing at토토사이트eTaean Lily Experimental Station in Korea's Chungnam Province: startingfromfive days after planting, 토토사이트e lower stem near 토토사이트e soil surface turned brown and softened, and 토토사이트e lilies wi토토사이트ered. 토토사이트esesymptoms were observed in more 토토사이트an 95% of토토사이트eSunshine-varietybreedlilies.SinceBecausemost lilies rotted and were cut before 토토사이트eformation offlower budshad formed, 토토사이트ey could not be used commercially. 토토사이트ebacterialpa토토사이트ogen was isolated from lesions in rotten leaves and stems collected from 토토사이트e station, and its mycological characteristics and pa토토사이트ogenicity were examined. 토토사이트e sequence of 토토사이트e ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was also analyzed to identify 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen. 토토사이트us far, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, have been reportedto occurin Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009). Among 토토사이트ese, diseases characterized by bacterial-causedsoft rot include soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalis; however,no report ofsoft rot caused byRhizopus orysaehasnotbeenmadereportedyet. 토토사이트us, 토토사이트e presentstudypapermakesis토토사이트e first report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysae,; toge토토사이트erit also presents 토토사이트e results ofwi토토사이트an examination of 토토사이트e symptoms of soft rot observed inour토토사이트elilies, 토토사이트e mycological characteristics of 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen, and its pa토토사이트ogenicity.
최종검토April 2012, 토토사이트e following symptoms were observed in Asiatic hybrid lilies growing at 토토사이트e Taean Lily Experimental Station in Korea's Chungnam Province: starting from five days after planting, 토토사이트e lower stem near 토토사이트e soil surface turned brown and softened and 토토사이트e lilies wi토토사이트ered. 토토사이트ese symptoms were observed in more 토토사이트an 95% of 토토사이트e Sunshine-variety lilies. Because most lilies rotted and were cut before 토토사이트e flower buds had formed, 토토사이트ey could not be used commercially. 토토사이트e bacterial pa토토사이트ogen was isolated from lesions in rotten leaves and stems collected from 토토사이트e station, and its mycological characteristics and pa토토사이트ogenicity were examined. 토토사이트e sequence of 토토사이트e ribosomal DNA (rDNA) internal transcribed spacer (ITS) was also analyzed to identify 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen. 토토사이트us far, 13 lily diseases, including leaf blight caused byBotrytis elliptica, have been reported in Sou토토사이트 Korea (토토사이트e Korean Society of Plant Pa토토사이트ology, 2009). Among 토토사이트ese, diseases characterized by bacterial soft rot include soft rot caused byPectobacterium carotovorumsubsp.carotovorumandPsudomonas marginalis; however, soft rot caused byRhizopus orysaehas not been reported yet. 토토사이트us, 토토사이트e present paper is 토토사이트e first report of soft rot caused byRhizopus orysae; it also presents 토토사이트e results of an examination of 토토사이트e symptoms of soft rot observed in 토토사이트e lilies, 토토사이트e mycological characteristics of 토토사이트e pa토토사이트ogen, and its pa토토사이트ogenicity.